Is Toyota 360 Support Plus Right For You?

Posted: October 22, 2019
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What is Toyota 360 Support Plus?

The cost of a forklift is always more than the dollar amount you pay for it. At Toyota, we get it. And we’re committed to being your complete material handling partner throughout the entire life of your ownership — that’s the Toyota 360 Support Promise that comes standard on every Toyota Forklift you buy and allows you to take advantage of:


  • Toyota Certified Technicians
  • Toyota Genuine Parts
  • Toyota’s industry-leading standard warranty program
  • The Toyota Mobile Service app


But even with all of that, many customers find that they want even more peace of mind — a way to reduce the risk of maintenance emergencies and lower the cost of potential repairs even further.


Enter Toyota 360 Support Plus: an upgrade option that provides you with a year of planned maintenance and an extended product assurance guarantee with the Toyota Extra Care Warranty program.


Both are fantastic plans that provide the most comprehensive support in the industry. But maybe you’re wondering: Is upgrading to Toyota 360 Support Plus right for you?


To get a recommendation specific to your operation — taking into account all of the variables and considerations of your usage and application — we recommend contacting your local Toyota Forklift dealer. But here is a good general guideline.

Upgrading to Toyota 360 Support Plus May be Right for You If …

  • You have a large fleet to manage with a lot of moving pieces to keep on task and productive.
  • You would have a productivity disaster on your hands if even one of your forklifts needed repairs unexpectedly — and you want to minimize every possible risk.
  • You want extended product support assurance.
  • You don’t mind spending a little more up front in order to save a lot of time and money later.
  • You use telematics on your forklifts and want the added option of support for that technology.
  • You prefer to have things done on your timetable as much as possible.
  • You’d rather be proactive in preventing unexpected downtime emergencies than reactive in dealing with them when they arise.